Dog of the Year Event 2009
The Merseyside Boxer Club held its annual Dog of the Year and December Christmas rally night on Wenesday 2nd December 2009.
The Officers and committee would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their fantastic support at our events, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Best Puppies of the Year
Back row (L-R):
Secretary Marion McArdle, Judge
Sandra Huckerby 'Norwilbeck' and President Margaret
Front Row L-R):
Puppy of the Year,
Wragg's Harmaur Jo Bloggs
Trade & Reserve Best Puppy of the Year, Gore's Our Boy Benny
Best Adults of the Year
Back row (L-R):
Secretary Marion McArdle, Judge
Ken Toohey and President Margaret
Front Row (L-R):
Dog of the
Year Harris'
Petarris Uncle Buck, & Reserve Dog of
the Year,
Hortons Bonkohoney Mystic Storm
Presentation to Judge
A Presentation to our Judge for the Dog of the Year competition, Sandra Huckerby, with President Margaret Wildman
Junior Handlers of the Year
Under 12's Junior Handler of the Year,
Jackson &
Over 12's Junior Handler of the Year Zoe Shaw, with
Secretary Marion McArdle and President Margaret Wildman
The Merseyside Boxer Club's youngest member, at
5 days!